Art of keyword research, step by step guide. keyword research, keywords

The Art of Keyword Research: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Art of Keyword Research: A Step-by-Step Guide – One of the most famous search engine Google uses different algorithms to rank a website. Out of several factors, keyword is one of the most important factor to rank your website higher. Determining right keyword is crucial for your sites. Aim at right keyword to divert more traffic to your website.

In this blog we will provide step by step comprehensive guide to rank your website by targeting right keyword for right audience. But before getting to know in dept perfect keyword strategy for your business, let’s understand meaning and types of keywords.

What are keywords?

Keywords are words or phrases that people type to search their queries in search engines. Whereas digital marketers and website owners, target these keywords to optimize their websites to rank in relevant content on SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). Make sure that the keywords you target, satisfies the intent of people on search engines.

Relevancy and to satisfy searchers intent are two important factors that will help you to rank because search engines algorithm’s main purpose is to provide excellent user experience. No matter how your marketing strategy is, if your content is not relevant then it is mere waste of time. 

Types of keywords for Keyword Research

Keywords can be bifurcated on several basis such as length, intent and usage. Understanding various kinds of keywords will help you to determine right keyword for your website.

On the basis of length

Short keywords

These are short keywords which comprises of only 1 to 2 words. These types of keywords targets generalized terms. Competition on these keywords is very high. For example digital marketing.

Mid tail keywords

These keywords are slightly longer than short keywords. They are more specific as compared to short keywords but less specific than long tailed keywords. For example digital marketing services or digital marketing classes.

Long tail keywords

These keywords are 7 to 8 words long. These keywords describes user’s intent accurately. For example- digital marketing services in Delhi or digital marketing classes in Jaipur.

Importance of keyword planning – Art of Keyword Research

Keyword planning involves researching and selecting right keywords for your website. It is crucial to make your digital marketing strategy a hit. It is important because we can increase visibility of our website and traffic on our website by targeting right keywords.

From commercial website point of view, targeting right keywords will lead to more conversion rates. We can convert sales by using resources effectively and efficiently by selecting right keywords.

It’s other benefits includes relevancy to searcher’s intent resulting in low bounce rate, improved user experience and to stand in this world which is full of competition.

Step by step guide to keyword research

Follow these steps to perfect the art of keyword research

Define your goal and audience

This is the primary step in all digital marketing strategies. Set measurable and achievable goals in order to plan accordingly. Along with setting goals, also make sure to study and select right audience to target.

Brainstorm seed keyword

Start to brainstorm relevant keywords. You can take help of various tools such as Google keyword planer, SEMrush, Ahefs and Ubersuggest to simplify this process and to gather useful insights.

Analyze keyword metrics

Look, consider and analyze various metrics using tools to target suitable keywords for your website, product or services. Few common metrics includes search volume, competition on these keywords and how difficult it is to rank on these keywords. This step will help you to eliminate keywords that doesn’t suits your website and may hamper your marketing goals.

 Long tail keywords

These keywords are most under rated keywords. Many marketers or website owner does not considers these keywords. But in practical life these keywords serves the best. Due to high relevancy and low competition one can rank their website easily by targeting these keywords. Targeting these keywords will also lead to higher conversion rates.

 Analyze competitor keywords

It is important to keep a track on our competitor’s content and keywords they are ranking for. This will help you to identify right keywords which you can target to stand apart from your competitor. You can bridge the gap where your competitors failed to satisfy researcher’s intent.

Group and prioritize keywords

After completion of research select one primary keyword followed by other keywords. Prioritize your keywords on various metrics. Group them on the basis of their relevancy.

Create high quality content

Once you have selected right keyword for your website by following above steps, now you can create relevant content with the help of primary and secondary keywords. Always remember not to stuff keywords unnecessarily as it may hamper users experience. Try to use keywords in natural way.

Monitor and adjust

Keyword research is an ongoing process. Continue to monitor performance of your keywords. Make relevant changes time to time. Properly analyze various metrics using different tools available in the market.


Keyword research plays major role in diverting high traffic volume and conversion rates on your websites. Plan your keywords on the basis of relevancy and low competition to stand out from your competitors. Refer to our website @Digileap Marketing Services now to boost your digital marketing strategy with right keyword research. Connect with us at +91 9980160264 / +44 07384021657 or email at

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