customer experience analytics, customer experience, Customer relation management, CX

Customer experience analytics

Customer experience analytics is referred to as the process of collecting and analyzing customer data, with the aim of better knowledge of customer needs, viewpoints, and experiences with your products and services. It can help you to gain customer loyalty and boost customer engagement and also to help them improve their customer journey. You can then direct your internal teams to take action on problems that are affecting customers’ satisfaction and experience. To know about customer lifecycle management.

Customer experience analytics takes into account all the aspects of the customer’s experience i.e., direct and indirect feedback data sources. Direct feedback customer data includes Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), Voice of the Customer (VOC), Open text comments in customer feedback surveys that you send, and customer responses on social media. Indirect feedback customer data include average handle time (AHT), Customer lifetime value, Average spend, Customer churn rate, Customer renewal rate, voice & chat metadata, transcripts & analysis, social listening, and customer review monitoring.

It is very important to have data on customer interactions because it gives more strength to improve customer experience. It helps you to make strategies for an effective customer journey, in meeting customer wishes and preferences that are not expressed directly, indicating where the real problems lie, understanding the impact of those problems and or opportunities & what will the outcome be. It helps in seeing the latest trends and patterns for connecting it to the customer touchpoints, and in removing silos between departments to give everyone a complete view of the entire customer.

Here are some of the best touch points that you should look at to analyze CX:

  1. Website: – Website can be one of the first places where customers come for browsing and explore your products and services, hence it is very crucial to optimize the experience. One way to get some web analytics data is by sending out CES and CSAT surveys to customers pre and post-purchase.
  2. In-software or in-app: – If the main product that you are providing to the customers is software, then it’s very much important to make it easier to navigate, set up, and support if customers are facing some issues. There are also many tools available to analyze how long are people spending their time. 
  3. Social media: – It is a medium to communicate with and engage customers. It is used for interaction which means a kind of interaction can take place between brand and customer which helps them to create trust and a sense of culture. As we know that social media do not lie with the CX team, hence you will have to build a strong partnership with your resident Social Media Manager. 
  4. Customer Service: – It is very obvious that if you want instant customer loyalty and satisfaction then one short way is providing with best customer service. The way you handle doubts and queries and you assist the customers plays a key factor in the overall customer experience. 

The top features of any great CX analytics solution are:

  1. Customer analytics: – It refers to the data of customers’ recent activities from a variety of online and enterprise sources, social media, eCommerce websites, surveys, forums, mobile apps, and in-app purchases.
  2. AI and machine learning: – CX management has become very flexible and targeted with the help of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The machine learning algorithms retrieve data about customers’ touchpoints to identify the usual patterns and make a few changes with the help of human intervention.
  3. Text analytics: – This feature is one of the main features that search the whole internet for relevant text, and feedback collects, and analyzes customer reviews and emotions. It gathers customer feedback from online and enterprise sources to segregate and analyze the themes and sub-themes of the conversations.  
  4. Real-time dashboards: – The people who practice CX on daily basis can stay up with current consumer trends by using the informative real-time customer data that is expressed in the form of dashboards.
  5. Brand analysis: – With customer experience tools the brands can have access to more data than ever before, allowing them to customize each stage of CX.

The factors that you should mind while choosing a good customer experience analytics solution are:

  1. Intelligent insights with minimum supervision.
  2. Crawl external data sources and integrate enterprise data.
  3. Transparent.
  4. Proven market research frameworks.
  5. Unbiased.
  6. Cost-efficient.
  7. Does not require expertise and special skills.
  8. Minimum setup time.
  9. Compliment existing systems.
  10. Real–time analysis.

You can take the help of senior executives, customer relation management (CRM), brand manager, eCommerce manager, or market research analyst for using customer analytics solutions. The best Customer Experience Analytics are Clootrack, Qualtrics XM, Zendesk, Verint ForeSee, NICE Satmetrix, ResponseTek, Medallia, OpinionLab, Hubspot, and Clarabridge.

This was most of the information that you would require for boosting your CX. It is very important to keep a track of your audience and analyze each step that you take if you want your business to reach the heights you are expecting it to touch.

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