20 Essential Technical SEO Tools For Agencies, Technical SEO Tools, SEO strategy, SEO algorithm

20 Essential Technical SEO Tools For Agencies

20 Essential Technical SEO Tools For Agencies: You can identify and address technical issues that stop search engines from indexing or scanning web pages using technical SEO tools.

These kinds of technical issues are among the most typical ones you’ll need to resolve for your client.

Certain tools are necessary for every client you have every day. Some tools, on the other hand, might only be valuable occasionally or for a relatively small number of clients. This list of technical tools will help you. 

20 Essential Technical SEO Tools For Agencies

  1. Screaming Frog

The SEO spider tool is Screaming Frog’s most well-known product. Several organizations use it to audit the websites of their clients because it is among the top crawler tools for SEO audits. There are free and premium versions, with the free version having less access to features.

There are additional auditing resources offered in the premium version. They allow you to adjust behavior, such as setting up recurring audits. It can help you identify technical issues that you might have missed otherwise.

  1. Sitebulb

Another technical SEO tool with improved detection capabilities is Sitebulb. Also, it finds deeper and more useful insights. It works well as a technical SEO tool for an agency that wishes to create clear action plans for clients.

Being able to obtain swift audit results is policy. Furthermore, you can acquire simple to-read and accepted improvement advice. Instead of providing you with raw data and leaving it up to you to identify issues and decide what to do, Sitebulb handles it for you. Because of this, it saves a ton of time.

  1. Google Search Console 

Google Search Console is a free valuable technical Seo tool. It is a crucial tool for keeping track of your client’s websites. It has been modified by Google to offer even more data, reporting, and functionalities. It is a crucial resource for basic website reporting. Historical data from client websites can be exported into spreadsheets and saved. In this manner, you can have a backup of older data when moving websites. Also, agencies can apply to use their API to connect the data from Google Search Console with data from other sources. 

  1. Checkbot

Checkbot is a great tool for checking how any website adheres to technical SEO practices. Their testing tools follow the recommendations of renowned industry experts like Google, Firefox, and others. This makes it an excellent tool for maintaining the best practices on your client’s websites.

It’s a beneficial tool that an agency may utilize for both client onboarding and client prospecting. It’s a quick and simple technique to identify the current challenges your client is having. With the facts and insights to support it, you can then offer suggestions that can be put into practice.

  1. DeepCrawl

DeepCrawl is an SEO tool that specializes in identifying and fixing technical problems. The agencies who work with clients from other nations and from abroad find it to be quite helpful. It assists agencies with personnel located all over the world by using cloud-based services. Setting up a system that works best for your customer is made possible by the reports and customized dashboards. They also provide a crawling tool that can be scheduled to run simultaneously for all of your clients at the same time. 

  1. Botify

You might find that Botify is the best, most comprehensive technical SEO solution available. You can get a full view of a website’s position in search thanks to its features. They can combine your technical SEO setup with search intent. Additionally, it has common crawl features including the ability to change crawl budgets. Botify’s reporting features are the primary reasons you should utilize them. Not only does it offer in-depth research, but its ideas are also simple to comprehend and put into practice. The cost is by far the biggest issue. The cost can build up for an agency because it depends on how many sites you crawl. 

  1. GTMetrix Page Speed Report

To test the loading times of your client’s websites, GTMetrix is one of the primary tools you’ll find. You can choose from seven different global locations from which to run the test servers. With various devices, you can also practice tests. For measuring page speeds, there are many features accessible. The capabilities that are offered for agencies make it easier to set up monitoring for the websites of your clients. You may also set up alerts to notify you when important performance indicators start to decline. You can then take action before a little problem turns into a major one.

  1. W3C Validator

Although W3C Validator might be a challenging tool to use for technical SEO, agencies find it to be of great value. This is a fantastic tool if one of your services entails relocating a client’s website. It works best for evaluating the ported source code of a website. 

  1. WebPagetest

One of the best tools you will discover for analyzing page performance is WebPageTest, which is free. Compared to other tools, it has a few abilities for testing and reporting. These might serve your client’s needs better than other tools, in our opinion. Waterfall speed testing and DOM (Document Object Model) elements are two such features. To run the tests, you can select the server location, browser, and several tests. 

  1. Google Page Speed Insights

Discovering how Google evaluates your client’s website with the Google PageSpeed Insights tool is highly recommended. It uses an approximate estimate of page speeds rather than a precise measurement. When you require that much detail, combining page speed tools makes it possible to acquire a whole picture.

Google’s product is also quite helpful for agencies if they need something quick and easy for everyday use. For in-depth reporting and large-scale projects, it works best when used in combination with other tools.

  1. Google Mobile Friendly Testing Tool

It helps that Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool, like the other resources on this list is free. Since a few years back, Google’s ranking system has been “mobile-first.” Since then, it has been crucial to understanding how user-friendly your client’s mobile website is. You can link to Google Search Console while running a test and view the complete usability report. Google’s tool is a wonderful tool to use to quickly evaluate your client’s mobile website if it has problems.

  1. Google’s Schema.org

Google’s Schema.org Structured Data Testing Tool offers one key feature. Your page’s schema markup is put to the test to check if it complies with Google’s requirements. This enables you to check whether Schema was correctly implemented on your client site. Also, it is a useful Technical SEO Tools for determining which Schemas your client is already utilizing and which ones they are not. You can test it using a specific URL or by adding some code. The test will display the items it discovers as well as any faults or cautions it may have found.

  1. Web Developer Toolbar

You can download and install the Web Developer Toolbar on your browsers. Several of its capabilities allow you to use the browser’s built-in web development tools. This includes details about links, title properties, and other stuff.

It is most known for identifying problems with a website’s coding. Testing the website menu and user interface will provide the most benefit. The plugin enables you to disable particular types of code, such as CSS or JavaScript. In this manner, you can discover the root of particular issues.

  1. Panguin Tool

A free technical SEO tool that is incredibly helpful for any organization is the Panguin Tool. It evaluates the effect that Google’s frequent algorithm adjustments have on a website. When a new algorithm version is released, use this Technical SEO Tools to help you find problems and start fixing them right away. 

  1. App JSON–LD Generator

Any task linked to it can be made simple with the help of the Schema JSON-LD generating software. You can do health checks, receive training, and add new markup to a client website for an agency using its features. It saves a ton of time and guarantees that your team receives updated JSON-LD training.

Even if you are an expert in technical SEO, you may still struggle with coding. In the digital era, there are numerous coding languages to learn, as well as other talents unrelated to coding. For this reason, even a technical SEO agency could need assistance with a subject like structured data.

  1. Redirect Path Plugin

The free Redirect Path plugin provides a ton of useful details about a page’s redirect path. Every page you visit, whether it be a client website or anything else, will require you to use this tool.

It allows you to view status codes, redirect errors, the redirect path (if any) to that page, and more. You don’t even need to run the tests through a server when your browser has a plugin built in. Everything takes place on your computer.

  1. Solis Hreflang Tags Generator Tool

This application enables you to produce up to 50 URLs’ worth of Hreflang tags and annotations at once using a CSV file. If you have clients who have multilingual websites, it is tremendously helpful. Furthermore, it aids clients who have locations in several nations.

  1. Structured Data Markup Helper

It is a simpler free tool to construct the markup code you wish to add to a client website with the help of Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper. It is free and aids you in adhering to Google’s own rules, just like the other products on this list from Google.

The Markup Helper makes it simple to write the code for the style of markup you desire. Articles, events, nearby businesses, questions & answers, and more are available on the list from which they can select. The correct data on the page can then be tagged when you input the page’s URL and choose the desired kind.

  1. Bing Webmaster Tools

The equivalent of Google Search Console for Bing is called Bing Webmaster Tools. It’s a good idea to have a second pair of eyes check over any technical or crawling concerns with your client’s website. Although Google is the most popular search engine, Bing should also be considered.

You can discover problems that Google missed by using its testing and diagnostic tools. 

  1. Google sheets 

Google Sheets is a crucial Technical SEO tools. You can export the data into a CSV file for the vast majority of reporting and audits you conduct. It can be opened in either software program. 

Although challenging, the technical aspects of SEO are still crucial. In order to prevent your clients from switching to a rival, it is your responsibility as an SEO agency to handle it on their behalf. Yet, managing such a difficult aspect of SEO for several businesses might take a lot of time. We hope these 20 listed technical tools, both free and paid, will help you.

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