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Best books to read for startups

I believe in every interview of a successful entrepreneur the first key of a successful business is educating yourself. Be it knowledge of the field or for personal growth and books are the best answer to the question of how to grow?

If you aspire to be an entrepreneur or are a budding businessman and don’t know where to start, how to start then books about startups are your best friend. They are a great source of information, motivation, and advice that can help you get your business off the ground. 

Now, choosing what to read can be an overwhelming task. But don’t worry! We are here to help you.

Top 5 books for startups

  1. “Start Something That Matters” by Blake Mycoskie

This book by Mycoskie talks about how you can have it all. Profit, passion, meaning, and whatnot!

He talks about his fastest-growing business of shoes and the lessons that he learned along the way. He gave us simple keys to create a life and business that we desire. Tips on overcoming fear and doubt and being resourceful. Starting something that matters gives us bits of advice, stories, motivation, much-needed practicality, and a little something of all that is needed to get started

  1. “Never Too Late to Startup” by Rob Kornblum 

A 9 – to – 5 job may sound appealing to some but to most, it just doesn’t feel right and at times it takes years for some to find that working for someone else is just not their cup of tea. Now being your boss does sound good. 

Rob Kornblum, an executive coach, and business consultant believe that starting a company in mid-life is very much achievable and they are most likely to be successful. He gives great ideas for your business, talks about how only ‘following your passion’ is not enough, also covers how to market the products, and how midlife is the best time to start your startup.

  1. “Superbosses” by Sydney Finkelstein

You need to be a leader for your business to be at its fullest potential and to know how to be that version of yourself this book helps you a lot. This book explores the idea of having specific traits to be an effective leader.

The author provides insights, valuable tips, and inspiration to be your best self and motivates your employees to be effective leaders and create their realities. She writes from years of research and a huge amount of interviews with leaders from various aspects of the business to give you the best actionable advice.

  1. “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel is an American entrepreneur and investor. This book by him talks about how to build companies that create new and innovative things. He talks about how founders need the vision to take their business from zero to one. 

Majorly the book gives guided information about building a technology startup but the insights and pieces of advice can be picked by people from any industry. 

Challenge your ideas about the industry and grow with this book.

  1. “Founders at Work” by Jessica Livingston

This book is a lot different from the conventional approach of writers. Jessica Livingston presents us a collection of interviews with founders of now-famous companies and how it was like for them in the early days. They go over the funny yet important discoveries that helped them grow and build a company.

Do they cover questions like how they got their ideas for a startup? How did they deal with failures? How did they convince investors? Tips for entrepreneurs and a lot more.

The list of books can go on and on…

But we handpicked these best sellers for you to get an upper hand in the field of startups and entrepreneurship. We understand that starting your own business can get overwhelming and a little scary but these books will help you overcome those feelings.

And yes remember, “In the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity” (by Albert Einstein).

If your startup is struggling for a digital front, then hop on to Digileap marketing services and get the digital marketing experts at work. Book a free consultation call today and get the best of services.  

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